Thursday, March 16, 2006

Morning coffee.

Morning coffee.
Originally uploaded by Natural Spring.
Everyday on my way to work I pass this house. Over the last month they have added a second story. Instead me having the typical migrant workers doing it they have a group of hot, hip, young guys. Today my favorite one wasn't wearing a shirt. So I want to publicly thank those hot guys for existing; that guy for not wearing a shirt; and finally the owners of that house. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Full Bloom

Originally uploaded by Natural Spring.
Spring is here in full swing! So to give me a reason to go outside I have planted a few flowers outside. All of them in containers, since we do not know how much longer we will be at Murrary Hill. I absolutely love them all. But this snapdragon does not love me. Everyday I get home and it looks depressed. So I water it but it's only mildly amused. I don't know what is going on. I wish it would either perform well or just die. Bastard. Anyway in a month I will be planting vegetables. I'm super excited by it.

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